The one time I failed to parasitize an established clinical researcher

Eating eggs is not as bad for you as smoking.

As regular readers of this blog probably know, I’m the paragon of a research parasite. I’m a computational biologist, and all I ever do is publish my own analyses of other people’s data. Except that one time, a few years back, when a senior clinical researcher stopped me in my tracks. Thanks to his careful and guarded stewardship of his data, I have been saved from drawing incorrect conclusions from his data and from publicly embarrassing myself by claiming his analysis is complete nonsense.

The story happened a few years back, when a senior clinical researcher (let’s call him X) published a paper claiming that egg-yolk consumption is nearly as bad for cardiovascular disease (CVD) as is smoking. As an avid egg lover, I wondered whether I should be concerned. Unfortunately, the manuscript was opaque and used statistical techniques I don’t trust (quantiling), so I contacted X and asked to see the raw data. He made me state that I did not have any ties, financial or otherwise, to the egg industry (I don’t), and then he shared his raw data with me under the condition that I would keep the data confidential and that he would be a co-author on any resulting publications. I accepted these conditions and took a look at the data.

I quickly realized that X and his colleagues had made several statistical mistakes, and that in fact the data exonerated eggs as a culprit for CVD. I analyzed the data using a variety of different approaches, just to be sure, but the simplest and most obvious one was a principal components analysis (PCA). It showed clearly that the egg-consumption axis was orthogonal to the age/smoking/CVD axis. (To this day, it’s one of the cleanest examples I’ve ever seen of a PCA revealing distinct underlying trends in the data.)

I wrote a brief report and shared it with X, who forwarded it to a colleague of his in the biostatistics department. Let’s call him Y. The response I received was quite astonishing. (I’m paraphrasing from memory here.) First, Y said that “Claus Wilke is a strong student.” I was a tenured professor at the time. Second, Y said that “we don’t use PCA in clinical research.” Never mind that simple correlation tests, ordinary regressions, and regularized regressions all supported the results I had found with the PCA.

Now, since X and Y thought I was a good student who however didn’t understand how statistics work in the clinical practice, and since I thought X’s paper was a bunch of nonsense, writing a joint paper on this topic was out of the question. That’s alright by me. I don’t need to publish in nutrition, and I’m fine with not having to worry about being assassinated by the egg-substitutes industry. However, X’s paper is still out there, receiving almost 20 citations a year. And, more importantly, this paper and its associated data would serve as an ideal teaching tool for the dangers (and power) of multivariate statistics. Alas, I’ll have to let it go. I should probably just start collecting my own data set of carotid plaque thickness in patients that have or have not eaten eggs for many years.

Note: If you’re wondering what all of this is about, read this editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine. You may also want to read this translation into English.

Claus O. Wilke
Professor of Integrative Biology


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