
How to prepare an article for resubmission

There's a tried and true strategy to article revision.

The Google Scholar preprint bug

Preprints can cause their corresponding published articles to be (temporarily) dropped from the Google Scholar database.

Should peer-review be double-blind?

Double-blind review sounds good in theory but runs into various obstacles in practice.

How to schedule a committee meeting

Don't send out a Doodle poll with 120 options.

In defense of anonymous peer review

Junior scientists need protection from vindictive senior PIs.

To grid or not to grid

Defaults are difficult.

R Markdown, the easiest and most elegant approach to writing about data analysis with R

It's time to learn R Markdown.

A critique of Chatterjee et al., The Time Scale of Evolutionary Innovation, PLOS Comp. Biol. 2014.

This paper uses lots of math to say little of consequence.

A grammar of data manipulation

Wickham has published a new package, dplyr, that will revolutionize data wrangling.

Double Jeopardy

Should reviewers re-review the same article for a different journal?